normalian blog

Let's talk about Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET and Java!

Entries from 2021-04-01 to 1 month

Store passwords and secrets securely by using App Service and Azure Key Vault on each environment without code changes

It was sometimes painful task to change settings, connection string and others depending on environment - production, QT, staging or development. It's also quite important to ensure to keep secret and security for others. As a solution for…

Execute Azure Automation Runbooks with Managed Identity

In past, it was required to execute Runbooks on Azure Automation by using RunAsAccount, but it's still mandatory to renew a self-signed certificate - as far as I remember, it would be annual. This renewal sometimes causes issues because so…


3月頭にもともと住んでいた Bellevue downtown から車で10分くらいのところに引っ越しました。もろもろあって 1bed で手狭になったので、2bed の部屋に引っ越そうと思ったというのがモチベーションでした。住所変更で事務手続きを対応したのは以下です。渡米…