normalian blog

Let's talk about Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET and Java!


Completely turn off your AKS clusters to reduce your cost!

As you might know, it was not possible to stop your AKS clusters completely because system pools are always required to be running. I have posted about this like below in past. normalian.hatenablog.comHere is quite useful feature to reduce…

Tips to utilize Windows Server containers on AKS

Microsoft has announced that Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) supports Windows Server containers as GA. This is quite useful and essential feature to containerize your ASP.NET Framework applications. In this article, you can acquire tiny tip…

Reduce AKS clusters cost by setup zero node count for user mode node pools

Here is interesting article - Release Release 2020-04-13 · Azure/AKS · GitHub. You can find that "AKS now allows User nodepools to scale to 0" in the article. This feature enables to reduce AKS cost in your environments. I believe you woul…

Spot node pool limitation for AKS

Azure Kubernetes Service(AKS) recently offers spot node pool feature as preview - 4/30/2020 right now. This feature enable Azure developers to reduce VM costs by using spot VMs for AKS clusters. Refer to Preview - Add a spot node pool to a…