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How to get started with Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers of EA Portal

I believe some folks are familiar with Billing API for Microsoft Azure and these APIs can be utilized even you're pay-as-you-go customers. But almost of all folks are unfamiliar with "Reporting APIs for Enterprise customers", because only customers who have EA contract can utilize this APIs.

I recommend to refer to Azure Billing Enterprise APIs | Microsoft Docs, but here is summary what you can do with the APIs

  • Balance and Summary API - offers a monthly summary of information on balances, new purchases, Azure Marketplace service charges, adjustments and overage charges.
  • Usage Detail API - offers a daily breakdown of consumed quantities and estimated charges by an Enrollment. The result also includes information on instances, meters and departments. The API can be queried by Billing period or by a specified start and end date.
  • Marketplace Store Charge API - returns the usage-based marketplace charges breakdown by day for the specified Billing Period or start and end dates (one time fees are not included).
  • Price Sheet API - provides the applicable rate for each Meter for the given Enrollment and Billing Period.
  • Reserved Instance usage API - returns the usage of the Reserved Instance purchases. The Reserved Instance charges API shows the billing transactions made.

Preparation to use the APIs

You can utilize the APIs to pick up two items below.

It's easy to pick up "Enrollment Number". You just need to visit EA Portal and pick up Enrollment Number like below.

Next, follow an image below and you can generate new API Access Key.

After generating of the key, you can copy the key into your clip board.

Balance and Summary API

You can call this API easily by using script below.

$AuthorizationKey = "your API Access Key"
$enrollmentNumber = "your enrollment number"

$res = Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Headers @{"Authorization" = "bearer $AuthorizationKey"} -Method GET `
  -Uri$enrollmentNumber/balancesummary `
  -ContentType "application/json"

# confirm entire response

## confirm response contents
$res.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

You can confirm the response values of "$res" like below. This structure is even similar with other APIs.

StatusCode        : 200
StatusDescription : OK
Content           : {"id":"enrollments/your enrollment number/billingperiods/your billing periods/balancesummaries","billingPeriodId":"your billing periods","currencyCode":"JPY  
RawContent        : HTTP/1.1 200 OK
                    session-id: a03789eb-9b3d-49dd-8b12-c2dddb07dd62
                    x-ms-request-id: ade0cb92-3a78-4e2f-943f-b5a9bd4d8320
                    x-ms-correlation-request-id: f570130b-21b1-4bef-b1ff-d9e8a8e80e8b
Forms             : {}
Headers           : {[session-id, a03789eb-9b3d-49dd-8b12-c2dddb07dd62], [x-ms-request-id, ade0cb92-3a78-4e2f-943f-b5a9bd4d8320], [x-ms-correlation-request-id, 
                    f570130b-21b1-4bef-b1ff-d9e8a8e80e8b], [x-ms-client-request-id, c9d7de6c-8937-48b5-a137-3f026d637cc5]...}
Images            : {}
InputFields       : {}
Links             : {}
ParsedHtml        : mshtml.HTMLDocumentClass
RawContentLength  : 429

You can confirm the response content values of "$res.Content" like below.

id                             : enrollments/"your enrollment number"/billingperiods/"your billing periods"/balancesummaries
billingPeriodId                :  "your billing periods"
currencyCode                   : JPY  
beginningBalance               : xxxxx92.00
endingBalance                  : xxxxx85.00
newPurchases                   : 0.00
adjustments                    : 0.00
utilized                       : xxxxx7.00
serviceOverage                 : 0.00
chargesBilledSeparately        : 0.00
totalOverage                   : 0.00
totalUsage                     : xxxxx7.00
azureMarketplaceServiceCharges : 0.0000000000
newPurchasesDetails            : 
adjustmentDetails              : 

Reserved Instance usage API

You can call this API like below.

$AuthorizationKey = "your API Access Key"
$enrollmentNumber = "your enrollment number"
$startDate = "2019-05-01"
$endDate = "2019-05-10"

$res = Invoke-WebRequest `
  -Headers @{"Authorization" = "bearer $AuthorizationKey"} -Method GET `
  -Uri "$enrollmentNumber/reservationdetails?startDate=$startDate&endDate=$endDate" `
  -ContentType "application/json"
$res.Content | ConvertFrom-Json

You can confirm the response content values of "$res.Content" like below.


reservationOrderId    : xxxxxxxx-mmmm-yyyy-nnnn-zzzzzzzzzzzz
reservationId         : xxxxxxxx-mmmm-yyyy-nnnn-zzzzzzzzzzzz
usageDate             : 2019-05-04T00:00:00
skuName               : Standard_DS1_v2
instanceId            : /subscriptions/you subscription ID/resourcegroups/your resource group/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/your vm name
totalReservedQuantity : 8.000000000000000
reservedHours         : 192.000000000000000
usedHours             : 23.950000000000000


reservationOrderId    : xxxxxxxx-mmmm-yyyy-nnnn-zzzzzzzzzzzz
reservationId         : xxxxxxxx-mmmm-yyyy-nnnn-zzzzzzzzzzzz
usageDate             : 2019-05-10T00:00:00
skuName               : Standard_B2s
instanceId            : /subscriptions/you subscription ID/resourcegroups/your resource group/providers/microsoft.compute/virtualmachines/your vm name
totalReservedQuantity : 1.000000000000000
reservedHours         : 24.000000000000000
usedHours             : 24.000000000000000

You can retrieve which reserved instance orders have been used up or not. In addition that, you can verify which VMs are running as Reserved Instance by checking "instanceId".